What are the benefits of Air Conditioners

Air conditioners have become a necessity these days. It is a system designed for controlling the temperature, humidity and ventilation of the air. It is becoming mandatory to install the air conditioners everywhere at home, workplaces, institutions etc. The central air conditioning system comes with an outdoor air conditioning and an indoor coil. The air conditioning unit uses chemicals that convert from gas to liquid and back again  to gas quickly.  This system has three basic parts:  the compressor, the condenser and the evaporator. The first two parts are located outside the air conditioning system.

Benefits of Air Conditioners:

    Cooling Effect during warm weather: It provides indoor comfort during hot weather by keeping your room cool and reducing the humidity level.
    Cleaner Air: The filters fitted inside the cooling system helps to remove the pollutants making the air cleaner and safe to breathe in.
    Quieter operation: It produces less noise as compared to other air conditioners.

There is various kind of air conditioners available designed with different configuration:

    Central Air Conditioning: It circulate cool air through a system of return and supply ducts.
    Ductless Mini Split Air Conditioner: They donot require a special window cas. It can be fitted anywhere on the wall and are more energy efficient as compared to other cooling systems. They can be used for cooling multiple zones.
    Window Air Conditioner: They are designed to be installed in a special window case. These appliances are secured on the wall.
    Portable Air Conditioner: These are easy to move models that cool by pulling in the fresh air and removing heat and moisture from it. It has easy installation and takes just few minutes. The primary benefit is that they don't require permanent installation and can be moved anywhere.
    Hybrid Air Conditioner: It is a system that uses the power of solar energy to make the compressor function efficiently.
    Geothermal Heating and Cooling system: It is also termed as Geo-Exchange. It uses the crust of earth to heat or cool a system.

When hot summer months become almost unbearable, then air conditioners come to our rescue. These systems are being updated with the new advancements in the technology. Moreover, now a days air conditioners are becoming more energy efficient.


  1. Air conditioning is essential for complete comfort during high temperature days. Cool air soothes and help in getting a sound sleep.


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